Retinal Detachment
Exudative retinal detachment
Occasionally, fluid can build up behind⁴ or between the layers of your retina, even if you don’t have a torn retina.³ The fluid then pushes onto your retina and causes it to detach. This is called exudative retinal detachment.⁴ The source of the fluid build-up may be a leak from the blood vessels in your eye.⁴ It can be caused by an injury or tumour in your eye, or age-related macular degeneration.⁴
Pigment epithelial detachment
Pigment epithelial detachment is similar to retinal detachment. However, it’s the layer of cells behind the retina which gets detached, rather than the retina itself.⁵
Retinal detachment treatment
The treatment for a detached retina is surgery. There are three main types, and they will all typically be done under local anaesthetic.
If you have a retinal tear, your doctor will repair this at the same time. The treatment for a retinal tear is cryotherapy (freezing treatment) or laser therapy which seals the tear.¹,³
Vitrectomy is the most common treatment for retinal detachment.³ It involves removing some of the vitreous jelly from the inside of your eyeball and replacing it with a bubble of gas. This stops the pulling on your retina and holds your retina in place while it heals. Over time, the gas disappears by itself.³