NHS free eye test
and optical vouchers
If you’re eligible, you can have a free NHS eye test, and even qualify for a free optical voucher for a new pair of glasses or contact lenses. If you’ve any questions about your entitlement, you can talk to us in store. Bring along your relevant documentation and forms and we can take a look.
Can I claim a refund?
If you’ve already paid for an eye test or bought some new glasses or contact lenses and think you may be eligible for a free NHS eye test or optical voucher, you may be able to claim a refund through the NHS.
You’ll need a receipt from your opticians which shows the date of the eye test, as well as how much you paid. You can find out more about claiming for this on the NHS website.
If you aren’t eligible for a free NHS eye test, you can still book your eye test online or in store. You can also find out more about what happens in an eye test.